A Path of Discipleship and a Means of Service

Discover here the many opportunities offered to children, youth and adults
in our parish for discipleship and ministry in music!

Special Classes and Lessons
In addition to its choir and liturgical music programs, the Schola Cantorum offers several seasonal workshops and courses throughout the year that are open to all parishioners.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Saint Michael Choristers Update

The beginning of a new choir season is just around the corner.  Meetings of the Saint Michael Choristers begin the week of Labor Day.  Those signed up for Tuesday Voice for Life sessions will meet for the first time on Tuesday. Everyone else will come for the first time after school on Wednesday. A couple of details that require your attention:

Tuesday Morning (7:30 a.m.) Voice for Life group
1. Bring your Voice for Life workbook with you (if you don't have one, bring $15 / checks payable to St. Michael the Archangel Parish)

2. Enter through East door (Fr. Porter Hall)

3. If for some reason you have to miss this session
     a. Notify me via the Anticipated Absence form
     b. Try to attend another session the same week

Tuesday Evening (5:30 a.m.) Voice for Life group
1. Bring your Voice for Life workbook with you (if you don't have one, bring $15 / checks payable to St. Michael the Archangel Parish)

2. Enter through East door (Fr. Porter Hall). Choristers will be dismissed at the 6:00 p.m. at the same door.

3. If for some reason you have to miss this session
     a. Notify the Music Office via the Anticipated Absence form
     b. Try to attend another session the same week

Wednesday Full Choir Rehearsal
1. Choristers should be in their seats in the Schola Cantorum (Choir Room) on Wednesday at 4:10 p.m.

2. Unless, we receive written notice from a parent/guardian, those attending the Parish School are expected to report to Fr. Porter Hall on the basement level of the church immediately after school. A simple snack will be provided, as well as supervised study time until it is time for rehearsal to begin.

3. If students do not have homework, they may choose to play chess during this time or work independently in their Voice for Life workbooks.

4. Those attending other Schools are welcome to arrive anytime between 3:30 and 4:10 p.m. as well. A simple snack will be provided.

5. Choristers will be dismissed at 5:20 p.m. at the East Door to Fr. Porter Hall. Anyone going directly to Religious Ed may do so through the courtyard on the West side of the church.

6. If for some reason you have to miss rehearsal notify the Music Office via the Anticipated Absence form.

Thursday Morning (7:30 a.m.) Voice for Life group
1. Bring Voice for Life workbook with you (if you don't have one, bring $15 / checks payable to St. Michael the Archangel Parish)

2. Enter through East door (Fr. Porter Hall)

3. If for some reason you have to miss this session
     a. Notify the Music Office via the Anticipated Absence form
     b. Try to attend another session the same week

Sunday Masses
1. Please consult the St. Michael Choristers calendar for dates of Sunday Masses.  It is expected that Sunday Mass is a priority for all choristers, as it is expected of all members of St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Parish.

2. On scheduled Sundays, choristers should arrive through the East doors to Fr. Porter Hall and be in their seats in the Schola Cantorum (Choir Room) at 9:30 a.m. for prayers and rehearsal before Mass.

3. Choristers may meet their families at the end of the 10:30 a.m. Mass (about 11:30 a.m.) in the Choir (loft) or at the foot of the stairs to the Choir at the back of the church.