A Path of Discipleship and a Means of Service

Discover here the many opportunities offered to children, youth and adults
in our parish for discipleship and ministry in music!

Special Classes and Lessons
In addition to its choir and liturgical music programs, the Schola Cantorum offers several seasonal workshops and courses throughout the year that are open to all parishioners.


The ministries of Cantor and Psalmist are open to adults and confirmed youth of our parish who have acquired some measure of skill in solo and choral singing, diction, and musical literacy, who demonstrate an appreciation for and a desire to lead the choral singing of the Assembly and to proclaim the Word of God in song.

Those aspiring to participate in this ministry are asked to submit an Application.

Currenly serving and prospective cantors are strongly encouraged to attend monthly one-hour meetings of the parish Cantor Guild.

Details about what a cantor does during the liturgy are outlined in the Guide for Parish Cantors (2010).