A Path of Discipleship and a Means of Service

Discover here the many opportunities offered to children, youth and adults
in our parish for discipleship and ministry in music!

Special Classes and Lessons
In addition to its choir and liturgical music programs, the Schola Cantorum offers several seasonal workshops and courses throughout the year that are open to all parishioners.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Youth Choir Update

Summer's half over!  Take time to enjoy the rest, but do take a moment to register for next year's parish Youth Choir.  Even if you signed up on the Time & Talent survey in April, we still need you register for choir.  You can do it online with the Youth Choir Registration Form!

Building on Last Year
We had a really good year last season, enjoying a record "critical mass" of committed talented young singers.  Please share our Youth Choir webpage with your musical friends; now is the time to invite new (or inactive) members to join us!

New This Year
In addition to our Sunday evening rehearsals and monthly Sunday noon Masses, we're going to be leading our annual parish Christmas Carol Sing and participating in a special Lenten concert, helping to launch our Music Ministry's initiative of cultural outreach.  We're the group to do it!

Schedule is Now Online
The Calendar of Youth Choir rehearsals, Masses and special events is now online on the Music Ministry website.    Bookmark the link, and spend some time exploring the full scope of our music ministry so that you can be a true musical ambassador for Christ in our parish!

Adult Choir Update

All fomer, continuing and prospective members of our Parish Choir are invited to join the choir for the coming year (or even for part of the year!).  Please register using the online Parish Choir Registration Form.  Your place in this year's choir is secured by your registration.  NOTE: Signing up on the parish Time & Talent Survey merely indicates interest.

Summer Voice Check-Ups / Interviews
Music director Kevin Vogt would like to meet privately with all continuing and new members of the Parish Choir for a 20-minute "Voice Check-Up / Interview" during the month of August.  Next time you're at church, please come downstairs to the choir room (Schola Cantorum) to sign-up for a brief informal meeting with Kevin.

Gregorian Chant in August
Can't wait sing?  Check out the Schola Cantorum offerings for August including (1) Beginning Gregorian Chant class on Wednesday evenings, (2) Schola Gregoriana chant choir on Sunday afternoons, and Individual Voice Lessons with our fabulous tenor, Scott Wichael.

Choir Schedules Now Online
No more hunting for old choir schedules!  Find the Parish Choir Calendar online at our Music Ministry website.

Voice for Life
All adult Parish Choir members and other adult parishioners are invited to participate in an ongoing process of continued growth as a choir singer and worshipping member of the Church called Voice for Life.   Learn more here, and register now!

Children's Choir Update

Those interested in participating in the SongBirds Chorister Training Program (Grades 1-3) and the Saint Michael Choristers (Grades 4-8) are invited to submit an online registration form (Songbirds / Choristers).  NOTE: Signing up on the parish Time & Talent Survey only indicates interest.  Registration is required to participate in the program.

August Prep Sessions
Returning SongBirds enrolling in SongBirds II are strongly encouraged to attend SongBirds Express in early August.   New and Returning Choristers are asked to attend one of the Choir JumpStart sessions in early August.  

Help Needed
We are in need of two (2) to three (3) Virtus-trained volunteers to assist with the children's choir program on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons (3:15-4:30 pm).  If can help on any or all of these days, please click here or contact Kevin Vogt.

Calendars Online
Rehearsal and liturgy schedules for the SongBirds and Choristers are now online on the Music Ministry website.

Cantor Guild Update

November/December Schedule
Schedules will continue to be sent via e-mail, but the Cantor/Organist schedule is now also posted on the website accessible from either the Musica Sacra page or the Schola Cantorum page.  Here you will also find the next Availability Survey for September/October 2008.  Please complete and submit by November 11.

Next Cantor Guild Meeting
Our next Cantor Guild meeting will be on Tuesday, November 30, 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the St. Gabriel Room. All cantors who intend to continue participating in this ministry are strongly urged to attend. The Cantor Guild Calendar is linked to the Music Ministry webpage.
2010-2011 Cantor Guild Registration
Current and prospective cantors, please take a moment to fill out a new online Cantor Guild registration form. It is from the resulting list that we will generate a new roster for the coming year.

Revised Cantor Guide
A newly-revised Cantor Guide is available on the Cantor page of the website.