A Path of Discipleship and a Means of Service

Discover here the many opportunities offered to children, youth and adults
in our parish for discipleship and ministry in music!

Special Classes and Lessons
In addition to its choir and liturgical music programs, the Schola Cantorum offers several seasonal workshops and courses throughout the year that are open to all parishioners.


 Collegium Musicum

Adults and youth
with professional-level or advanced skill on a musical instrument.

Student musicians
in training on a musical instrument (apprentices).  Instruments likely to be used in parish worship:
  • Organ
  • Piano
  • Acoustic guitar (classical)
  • Plucked and bowed stringed instruments
  • Orchestral wind instruments (early and modern)
  • Orchestral percussion instruments
A collegial association and pool of instrumental musicians available to perform solo and ensemble instrumental music within and around the sacred liturgy

Occasional Events, as needed
Masses on Sundays and Solemnities, Sacraments and Ritual Masses, special events and rehearsals

Instrumentalists play in the Choir
Accessible by stairs from the Nave (main body of the Church) and elevator from the Narthex (main vestibule).  Some rehearsals may take place in the Schola Cantorum, located on the basement level of the Church directly under the Narthex.

Online application
and interview/Audition with parish music director

Questions?  Contact Kevin Vogt at the parish Music Office.