Treble Choristers
Parish Boys and Girls with treble voices in Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8directed by Dr. Kevin Vogt and Miss Jody Franklin
Boys' and Girls' sections of the parish choir
affiliated with the ROYAL SCHOOL OF CHURCH MUSIC
Weekly rehearsal Thursdays, 3:30-5:20 or 4:10-6:00
Weekly Mass at Sunday 10:30 or Saturday 5:00
Monthly Choir Dinner and Vespers
with family and guests. See Information Summary or Calendar for specific dates and times.
Schola Cantorum (basement) and the Choir (Church)
Supervised snack/study in Fr. Porter Hall between school dismissal and Wednesday full rehearsals.
No tuition
This ministry formation program is for parishioners of St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Parish interested in serving in parish music ministry, and is fully supported by the "tithe" of time, talent and treasure of all the members of the parish church.
Our fond hope is that each child admitted to the program will continue to offer their time and talent in the service of God and his people during the coming years and through their lives.
Contact Jody Franklin with (1) child's name, (2) grade, (3) parent name(s), (4) e-mail address, and (5) daytime phone number. Please indicate whether your child is a NEW or RETURNING student in the program.